was hoping to
put a new listing on the website in a few days for Goodie the Shih
Tzu. His name was chosen because
he was around 10 years old and the Pound staff had decided if he was
not claimed by his owner he would be euthanased as they considered him
to be not rehomable. Our
Denise decided to give Goodie a chance even though he was in a
dreadful state.
Goodie had a matted coat, hair
completely covering his face, six large lumps on his stomach and other
places throughout his body, rotten teeth and an ear infection that was
so severe we believe his head hung down a lot of the time because of
the dreadful pain he was suffering. Goodie
also had the most shocking stench coming from his little
body, making anyone who handled him want to vomit!
Sadly Goodie had to stay his 7 days at
the Pound and, the Wednesday he was due out,
Denise made a special trip there to
collect him. She wanted to get him out immediately so that he could
get the veterinary attention he needed as soon as possible.
The vet
soon discovered that the putrid
smell was not from Goodie's coat as
we first thought,
but that poor
little Goodie’s
ears were so badly infected that
the pus had dripped onto the hair on and around his ears and had been
rotting there for a long, long time. He
would have been in severe
pain from
his ear infection and rotting teeth for goodness knows how long.
Goodie's ears were syringed out the minute he arrived at the vet and a
swab was taken, The vet said that it was a very nasty infection and
started him on antibiotics immediately then
coat clipped off and he was given a bath..
photo (click to enlarge) shows one of Goodie's ears which are often
called ‘pumpkin ears’ when they are in this condition. Goodie's heart
was good (no heart murmur) and, when the hair was gone from his face
and his eyes were revealed, they were found to be bluish (which meant
he was vision impaired) but fortunately there was no infection
vet checked Goodie's
lumps and
diagnosed that
they were not cancerous and
could all be removed This would be done when he was under anaesthetic
for the dental surgery that
was so badly needed. Denise does
a full blood screen for
all dogs she rescues that are over 8 years of
age and,
as Goodie was in such dreadful condition, this test was done as a
matter of urgency so the vets knew exactly what they were dealing with.
Goodie's blood was taken to the laboratory within the hour and the
test results were back to the vet clinic by 5pm. His
cell count was very high
but this was put down to the extremely nasty
infection he had in his ears and the fact that he was suffering from
malnutrition, But luckily everything else looked OK
for a dog
of Goodie's vintage.
When Goodie woke on Thursday he was like
a new dog. His tail was wagging and
he could finally lift his head.
Because his ears needed to be monitored by the vets he was to stay
there for two more nights and go into foster care on Saturday. Sadly
on Thursday afternoon Goodie started to have attacks of diarrhoea.
Finally little Goodie's body
could take no more and he passed away soon after from suspected parvo
virus. This, and his dreadfully affected ears, was probably the reason
his white cell count was so high.
Goodie had about another
5 years of life left and
we would have found him a home
where he would have been happy, pain free and loved. The only
consolation we have is that Goodie
had 24 hours where veterinary
staff were working their hardest to take his long suffering pain away.
He was also clean, clipped and loved by all who worked at the vet
clinic and the staff were devastated when Goodie became so gravely ill
that his little body just gave up. He had suffered for so long and
parvo was the last thing that he needed. Goodie had many people
looking out for him, his rescuer Denise, kind sponsors Andrea and
Lorraine and his
potential foster carer Sheila, who was waiting anxiously to take him
into her home to love and nurture him and to let him know that life
could be good. He would have had regular cuddles,
kisses when he needed them, lots of sunshine, a walk to the
park, good food and very good doggy company for this old gentleman to
enjoy in his twilight years. Goodie also had many followers waiting to
see him on our website. Instead they will see this memorial to Goodie
and read his story, not as we wanted to tell it, but the way it is.
Fly free Goodie ... you touched our hearts in such a way that we will
never forget you and your little face will stay in our memory
Denise is
hopeful that Goodie has not died in vain. Pounds
are in a difficult position and can't always let dogs go out under
duty of care. This could open the floodgates to rescue groups wanting
to take dogs out this way just because they don't want to see them sit
in a Pound for the necessary 7 or 14 days. Goodie needed veterinary
treatment urgently but the Pound staff did not realise that he was so
sick and the vet who visits the Pound did not look at Goodie for that
reason. They are now aware that his situation was dire and are working
towards making sure that little dogs like Goodie don't ever again have
to suffer once they are in their care.
(Background Music -
'Evergreen' by Barbra Streisand)